Words Without Borders

Words Without Borders expands cultural understanding through the translation, publication, and promotion of the finest contemporary international literature. I was sent out on their dispatch blog for the 2015 PEN World Voices Festival. 


ARKive is a nonprofit initiative of Wildscreen. Their mission is to promote a greater understanding of global biodiversity and they are leading the 'virtual' conservation effort by gathering films, photos, and audio recordings of the world's species. While interning at ARKive, I had the privilege of writing for their blog, which caters to both US and UK audiences.

The Graphic

While studying at Pepperdine University, I was the Life & Arts Editor for our university newspaper The Graphic. Besides managing a team of writers, I created our weekly article budget, and wrote dozens of articles throughout the semester. A few selects are included below.

Professor reveals secret side

The Pepperdine community at large knows Professor Joi Carr as a professor of American literature and film studies under the Humanities Division as well as the director of the Multicultural Theatre Project. She is a quiet, shy and humble individual who is highly respected for her positive influence on students. However, this quiet storm has a secret life that she has agreed to reveal officially to the Pepperdine community via the Graphic.

Stay off the naughty list

Every year there seems to be a list of unwanted presents that gets passed around to parents, siblings, friends and relatives who show up in our lives only twice a year. Without fail, they all seem to be in some sort of club that distributes this unspeakable list and show up at the door with nicely wrapped presents and ear-to-ear smiles. Don’t let those smiles fool you though — beneath those ribbons and bows are some of the worst presents in the history of Christmas, Hanukkah, and all other end of the year holidays.